Seal of Dane County County of Dane
The Tamara D. Grigsby Office for Equity and Inclusion


PIE Food Project Grant

The Dane County Office for Equity and Inclusion, in partnership with the Dane County Food Council, is pleased to announce the Partner in Equity (PIE) Food Project Grant.

This grant program was created to encourage the development of projects that advance equity and access in local food systems across Dane County. We are looking for projects that will provide the greatest impacts in strengthening our food system and cultivating community engagement and access.


Partners in Equity Food Project Grant Guidelines

Proposals should address one or more of the following Dane County Food Council (DCFC) goals:

  • Increase access to healthy, local, culturally-relevant food
  • Strengthen regional agriculture and ease access to land for growing food
  • Decrease food waste and loss via recovery and redistribution of good quality rescued foods
  • Enhance community voice in local food system development

Grant Objectives:

We are seeking to identify local food system projects which have the greatest impact on our vulnerable communities who are underrepresented and/or underserved, with a special emphasis on Dane County communities outside the City of Madison. 

Questions? Contact the Office for Equity and Inclusion at


Eligible Applicants

Dane County-based community groups or non-profits with a Federal Tax ID number that are working to address one or more of the focus areas listed above. Priority will be given to projects serving Dane County communities outside the city of Madison and those that impact under-resourced or underrepresented communities in Madison.

 Individuals and organizations with smaller projects are especially encouraged to apply.

In 2025, $40,000 is available for PIE Food Project Grants. There are two different application categories:

  • Grant A pool will support funding requests up to $2,000
  • Grant B pool will support funding requests between $2,001-$4,000. 


2025 Application Closed

Awardee announcement coming soon





Partners In Equity Food Grant Awardees